Home Ekonomi Unair Uluslararası Sempozyumu, Döngüsel Ekonominin Güçlendirilmesini Tartışıyor

Unair Uluslararası Sempozyumu, Döngüsel Ekonominin Güçlendirilmesini Tartışıyor


Universitas Airlangga (Unair), in collaboration with national and international partners, organized its 3rd Green Symposium: “Strengthening the Circular Economy through Sustainable Green Chemistry”. The forum will run for two days, April 24-25, 2024, at Amerta Hall in Florida. 4, Management Office, MERR-C Uniair Campus.

Vice Rector for Research, Innovation and Social Development and President of the 3rd Green Symposium Prof Dr Ni Nyoman Tri Puspaningsih was also present at the event. Apart from this, many speakers and panelists from Unair’s local and foreign partners were also present. From Director Environment of the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas), Prof Dr Kazuo Sakka of Mie University Japan, Dr Verawat Champreda of BIOTEC Thailand, Prof Rosli Md Ilias PhD of University of Technology Malaya and Dr Andi Hamim Zaidan of UNAIR starting from.

At the forum, Prof Nyoman said UNAIR has so far collaborated with various partners to strengthen the circular economy.

“Unair has collaborated with various partners, both national and international, to contribute to the discussion of the circular economy,” said Prof Nyoman.

Moreover, this is evidenced by the achievements of Unair, which ranks second nationally in the field of sustainable development according to THE Impact Rankings 2023.

“The Third Green Symposium invited various speakers and panelists to jointly discuss the topic of strengthening the circular economy through green chemistry to tackle climate and environmental challenges,” said Prof Nyoman.

Prof. Nyoman said the symposium is also a new historical turning point for the Indonesian nation. Especially in the implementation of the circular economy.

Bappenas Environment Director Priyanto Rohmatullah added that the global security level, which has continued to decline in recent years, causes three main problems: climate change, pollution and biodiversity loss.

He added that circular economy is a solution that should be supported by all parties to overcome this problem. For the circular economy to become a solution to economic and environmental problems in Indonesia, both the government, universities and society need to contribute.

“Whether it is a university, government or society, everyone can play a role in supporting the development of a circular economy. “We look forward to future collaboration with partners to implement a circular economy in Indonesia,” he said. (in.why)



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